We Covet Your Prayers
We Covet Your Prayers
Thank you for your heart to partner with us in prayer!
- By committing to pray for Binji Ministries, you play a vital role in our mission to support families, orphans, and widows in Uganda.
- We ask you to regularly lift up the needs shared on our Facebook feed and urgent needs page, praying for God’s provision, protection, and guidance for those we serve.
- Your prayers make a difference, and we are grateful for your support. Together, we can witness His power at work!
*We ask that you would regularly respond to the Facebook and Instagram posts with your prayers and words of encouragement in the comments.
If you are not following us on social media, here are some of the most important prayer requests we need support for:
- The health and safety of our team, the villagers and the pastors we serve.
- Adequate resources to effectively minister.
- Connectivity within the Body of Messiah in the congregations, in the believers in Uganda, and globally.
- Spiritual awakening and Biblical revival throughout Uganda, from the most remote villager to the president of the country.